ENTRY NO: 189071

It's arrived, I am now officially registered for the 2007 ING New York City Marathon.
Yes that's right, on November the 4th I will take to the streets of New York in an attempt to run for 26.2 miles.
There are many reasons for me doing this ranging from a need to get fit and a long desire to actually achieve something, but mainly it's for the challenge and charity, I am running for The Anthony Nolan Trust who help save lives from leukaemia by providing lifesaving donors for patients in need of a bone marrow transplant. Having lost 2 friends; Mickey Bundle and Johnny Allen to Leukaemia in the past 3 years and having watched my fellow rugby player Sam Hart walk single-handedly from Newcastle to London, I have been inspired to throw on my running shoes and to go and do something a bit silly, 26.2 miles it is.
To sponsor me please click HERE

Tuesday 13 November 2007


Event Information:


The ING New York City



Latest Results:




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Monday 5 November 2007

Well I did it!

It wasn't quick and it wasn't pretty but I finished it, all 26.2 miles in something like 5:38 (don't worry Dick your record is safe).

What an experience, the crowds, the runners, the pain, the even worse pain than before. Not kidding as I type I am lying in bed in agony from the waist down, you know those little muscles that make your ankles work, well yes, even they hurt, all of them.

As for the race (and I know I haven't been calling it that, but a friend who was also running was told "it's a race not a hike" so I'm calling it a race) I would like to be able to take you all blow by blow through mile 1 to 26, but I can't. I can remember less about this run than any of my training runs, and a lot more happened.

I would like to thank so many people, firstly all of the people who have sponsored me, I ran with you all in my thoughts and tried to not let anyone of you down.

I'd like to thank all the supporters on the route, you can not believe what it means to have literally thousands of people calling out your name as your run past.

I'd like to thank the Anthony Nolan trust for all their help in getting me to the start and the finish.

and I'd like to thank my wife, she has been my coach, my inspiration and the person who has calmed me down when nothing else would, and who has picked me up the many times I doubted myself.

It hasn't quite sunk in yet, I got back and had a few beers (what else) but I do feel I have achieved something, I am no Kenyan, and I am no Paula, and congratulations to them all, but I did something for my mate, I did something I always wanted to do, but never ever ever thought I could and I burst into tears at the end (you were right Karen).

So, the soles of my feet hurt, my ankles hurt, my shins hurt, my calves hurt, my knees hurt, my thighs hurt, no I would not do it again, but boy am I pleased I did it once.

There were 2 posters on route, both inspirational for different reasons, the first was "Pain is temporary, pride lasts for ever", which was good, but my favourite was the one that I could hear Mickey shouting after I saw it, "Not finishing is not a f**king option".

To Mickey.