ENTRY NO: 189071

It's arrived, I am now officially registered for the 2007 ING New York City Marathon.
Yes that's right, on November the 4th I will take to the streets of New York in an attempt to run for 26.2 miles.
There are many reasons for me doing this ranging from a need to get fit and a long desire to actually achieve something, but mainly it's for the challenge and charity, I am running for The Anthony Nolan Trust who help save lives from leukaemia by providing lifesaving donors for patients in need of a bone marrow transplant. Having lost 2 friends; Mickey Bundle and Johnny Allen to Leukaemia in the past 3 years and having watched my fellow rugby player Sam Hart walk single-handedly from Newcastle to London, I have been inspired to throw on my running shoes and to go and do something a bit silly, 26.2 miles it is.
To sponsor me please click HERE

Thursday 26 July 2007

The old fella still has it

So, my schedule had me down for my 3x8 minutes hard with breaks, and well, I didn't do it. I know what you will be saying, "that boy can't stick to anything", but before you cast me aside, hear me out, as instead I went rugby training with Southgate RFC, and worked really hard.

At the moment the training is a mix of fitness, skills and fun, with some core strength work at the end, so trust me it got me out running around and out of breath. I also felt that as the schedule had me down for shorter harder bursts of running, that the training would fit well and it did.
It also finished up with the customary game of touch-rugby, again lots of explosive sprinting (not a term often used in the same sentence as me), and well, what can I say, there are a couple of the Southgate backs that are looking a little shame faced this morning, having been sold dummies and stripped for pace by the big fella.
Roll on vets rugby.....
Back to schedule today.

Tuesday 24 July 2007

Wet Wet Wet

Plenty of poeple have told me about how much they prefer running in the rain, I don't.

Yes I know it is refreshing, and yes I know that it helps to keep you cool, but there is just something about starting your run dripping wet and getting sore nipples. Granted this happens anyway, normally by about the end of mile 1 when the sweat is pouring off my head and my fancy running top is "wicking" the sweat away from my back (I hope none of you are reading this over breakfast or lunch, if you are, oops, sorry), but at least I've had a mile when I didn't feel bedraggled.

Last night I had my 45 minute run to do, and it started and finished in the rain. However, it was just rain and not the hail that I had the week before last, which is worse and actually hurt. As for the run, I was really pleased (if I say so myself, and frankly I have too as no one else is going to say it). My route was from Palmers Green Station to home along Green Lanes, just shy of 4 miles, and I had what was probably my most consistent run to date. I'm still not fast (I won't be challenging the elite runners that's for sure, in fact I'm quite positive a number of the fancy dress runners will beat me) but I am getting better.

Still rest day today, so hopefully off to the gym for some work on the bike!

Monday 23 July 2007

Making up for last week

So, last week was week 1 of the main 16 week training programme and I was terrible.

For the past 5 weeks I have been following a "Pre marathon warm up for fools", and was doing quite well (I thought any way). This programme took me from walk for 15 minutes, up to a full 10k run, which was equal to furthest I have ever run before, and certainly the furthest in one go!!

But after finishing the pre-programme on a high I spent last week in New York. I meant well, I took my running gear with me and was all set to do some miles round Manhattan, running through Central Park, up and down the river side, visualising November and the marathon itself with me pounding through the Manhattan streets with the crowd screaming and shouting encouragement, however, it was not to be, and the temptation to spend each night eating and drinking and generally enjoying myself was too great (for those who know me well, you will understand that this is quite out of character, as it normally takes a lot to get me into a pub). I am ashamed of my poor performance even more so as the eating and drinking I did was with my friend Sam Johnson who is also running the New York Marathon and who is also partly to blame for convincing me to do such a silly thing (he did that over beers as well), but he was strong enough to brave the rain and continue his training while I worked on my excuses!!

So, with a poor week behind me and plenty of sarcastic comments regarding the "lack of progress" on my blog, I tried to make up for it this weekend and ran on both Saturday and Sunday, covering just over 3.5 miles on Saturday and 7.25 on Sunday. Sunday's was very pleasing as I was quicker over 10k than I had been the week before, and also my route took me off road and through Whitewebbs which was very damp under foot. Obviously keen to keep my pristine new trainers clean, I needed to navigate round the large muddy puddles, which slowed me down, but I was able to pick the pace up again once I got back to the road.

So, I'm back on track. The schedule for this week is:
  • Monday: 45 minutes
  • Tuesday: rest
  • Wednesday: 3 x 10 minutes hard, 3 minutes recovery
  • Thursday: Easy 25 minute jog
  • Friday: 50 minutes steady
  • Saturday: rest
  • Sunday 90 minutes

Friday 20 July 2007

Rest Day.  Shouldn't be, but it is!  

Having just got back from New York this morning (late) due to adverse weather conditions last night, I've just not had the time, still, the programme clearly states "don't be a slave to the programme", so I'm not.

80 minutes tomorrow, and I'm hoping to run it not swim!

Thursday 19 July 2007

So it is 16 weeks until the marathon, and my training has started in earnest. That said, so far I've been able to use my "it's raining really hard", "I don't want wet running gear rotting in my bag" and "the dog just ate my trainers" excuses.

However, I did drag myself out yesterday in the hot and humid conditions for a 3 mile run round the streets of Manhatten, and ended up as wet as I would have been in the rain. Oh joy

Wednesday 11 July 2007

Blog Launched

So today I have launched my blog in an attempt to make sure I do it, and to make sure I keep training (because I'm really going to need to). On my blog over the coming months you will be able to follow my training progress, tell me how stupid you think I am or send me words of encouragment!

On here you can see when I run, how far I run and how fast I'm running, as well as the goals that I'm setting for myself as part of my training, so I really need to keep it up.

I look forward to getting ALL your comments.