ENTRY NO: 189071

It's arrived, I am now officially registered for the 2007 ING New York City Marathon.
Yes that's right, on November the 4th I will take to the streets of New York in an attempt to run for 26.2 miles.
There are many reasons for me doing this ranging from a need to get fit and a long desire to actually achieve something, but mainly it's for the challenge and charity, I am running for The Anthony Nolan Trust who help save lives from leukaemia by providing lifesaving donors for patients in need of a bone marrow transplant. Having lost 2 friends; Mickey Bundle and Johnny Allen to Leukaemia in the past 3 years and having watched my fellow rugby player Sam Hart walk single-handedly from Newcastle to London, I have been inspired to throw on my running shoes and to go and do something a bit silly, 26.2 miles it is.
To sponsor me please click HERE

Tuesday 28 August 2007

Double Figures

So this weekend I had to get into double figures with my long run, and make 10 miles. I figured the best way to do this would be the run "from somewhere to somewhere" technique, where I get booted out of a moving car 10 miles away and have to run home, this way, I am always getting closer to where I want to be rather than the "running a loop" where I would spend the first 5 miles running away from where I want to get to.

I had also decided that with this being a holiday weekend, I'd like to get it out of the way on Saturday leaving me the rest of the weekend for recovery and golf. With that in mind, I got dropped off at Old Street and began to run.

Mile 0-1: Started ok, but then got a feeling of tightness in my left calf, it's ok I tell myself, a little stretch will sort it.

Mile 1-2: I had drunk half a bottle of water before starting, and I have half left for the next 9 miles, that will be fine. I start considering how far I have to run! Bugger!

Mile 2-3: Arsenal at home, tens of thousands of fans "walking" down to the ground, and no chance of running at all, not good for the rhythm, oh, and my calf still hurts.

Mile 3-4: Hottest part of the day, I've finished my water, I don't have any money on me, no phone, and no rail pass, and I'm really thinking that the smart move would have been to do this tomorrow.

Mile 4-5: Lovely little run through Finsbury Park, the sun is out and so are lots of sunbathers.  I find that for the most part I have subconciously tensed my stomach muscles!

Mile 5-6: What is wrong with poeple? I'm 6' 5", although losing weight I am still a formidable size, I am wearing a bright blue t-shirt, my face is bright red, I am panting and wheezing, and yet still these idiots will step in front of me as I run through Wood Green. Next time I'm not stopping!!

Mile 6-7: The last hill and I'm into Palmers Green and onto my normal run home.  But things aren't good, I feel so tired, my legs feel like they have small children clinging to them, and I am now very aware that the Southgate RFC pub crawl should be hitting my route any time soon, there might be a chance of a pint of water!

Mile 7-8: Ok, so I've run past each of the pubs in Palmers Green and no sight of the boys.  I might have to make it home by myself yet.

Mile 8-9: Still hoping to  meet up with SRFC, I've added a loop to my run which takes me past the pubs of Winchmore Hill, so I run on. I'm slow, I have to stop and walk a bit, and I am acutely aware that I am really really annoyed with myself.  What's more, I can't find the pub crawl.

Mile 9-10: I've passed people I know in the street and hardly noticed them, it is still really hot, and I can't find the boys in any of the pubs, luckily, just as I hit the 10 mile mark, my wife appears, having been more than a little worried about me in the heat.  I collapse into the car bitterly disappointed.

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