ENTRY NO: 189071

It's arrived, I am now officially registered for the 2007 ING New York City Marathon.
Yes that's right, on November the 4th I will take to the streets of New York in an attempt to run for 26.2 miles.
There are many reasons for me doing this ranging from a need to get fit and a long desire to actually achieve something, but mainly it's for the challenge and charity, I am running for The Anthony Nolan Trust who help save lives from leukaemia by providing lifesaving donors for patients in need of a bone marrow transplant. Having lost 2 friends; Mickey Bundle and Johnny Allen to Leukaemia in the past 3 years and having watched my fellow rugby player Sam Hart walk single-handedly from Newcastle to London, I have been inspired to throw on my running shoes and to go and do something a bit silly, 26.2 miles it is.
To sponsor me please click HERE

Monday 6 August 2007

Tuscan Training

So, I've just arrived back from our holiday in Tuscany. The Scott's Summer Holiday was fantastic with a couple of days in Rome where we took Alice to the Colesium (she loved it), and the week in a beautiful house the Tuscan region of Italy (which had no mobile phone signal or internet connectivity, it was brilliant, so sorry for the lack of updates!).

As for the training, I did eat a lot of pasta, however this was washed down with a lot of Nastro, and Chianti, and I'm also very glad that the marathon is taking place in the cool of November. I managed to get some runs in, and as our house was at the end of a half mile forest road (up hill) and most of the runs took place with tempratures in the high 30's, I felt I did alright, I reckon the heat and the hills added a mile or two to each run. I've also convinced myself that the endless days of splashing about in the pool pretending to be a shark for the kids, actualy counts as cross-training, someone please agree with me?

But I'm not kidding myself, I am behind on my schedule (something I share with Sam after his trip West), and I need to put some effort in this week (which is going to be hard, considering the week contains my wedding anniversary and my birthday!!).

However, needs must, and I am again spurred on by the performance of my friends, as Rob completed the London Triathlon yesterday in a time of 2 hours and 40 minutes, which is brilliant, so well done Rob, Ollie on the other hand managed 6 hours of drinking in celebration, which for him is an excellent effort.

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