ENTRY NO: 189071

It's arrived, I am now officially registered for the 2007 ING New York City Marathon.
Yes that's right, on November the 4th I will take to the streets of New York in an attempt to run for 26.2 miles.
There are many reasons for me doing this ranging from a need to get fit and a long desire to actually achieve something, but mainly it's for the challenge and charity, I am running for The Anthony Nolan Trust who help save lives from leukaemia by providing lifesaving donors for patients in need of a bone marrow transplant. Having lost 2 friends; Mickey Bundle and Johnny Allen to Leukaemia in the past 3 years and having watched my fellow rugby player Sam Hart walk single-handedly from Newcastle to London, I have been inspired to throw on my running shoes and to go and do something a bit silly, 26.2 miles it is.
To sponsor me please click HERE

Tuesday 13 November 2007


Event Information:


The ING New York City



Latest Results:




5 Kilometers



10 Kilometers



15 Kilometers



20 Kilometers






25 Kilometers



30 Kilometers



35 Kilometers



40 Kilometers






Monday 5 November 2007

Well I did it!

It wasn't quick and it wasn't pretty but I finished it, all 26.2 miles in something like 5:38 (don't worry Dick your record is safe).

What an experience, the crowds, the runners, the pain, the even worse pain than before. Not kidding as I type I am lying in bed in agony from the waist down, you know those little muscles that make your ankles work, well yes, even they hurt, all of them.

As for the race (and I know I haven't been calling it that, but a friend who was also running was told "it's a race not a hike" so I'm calling it a race) I would like to be able to take you all blow by blow through mile 1 to 26, but I can't. I can remember less about this run than any of my training runs, and a lot more happened.

I would like to thank so many people, firstly all of the people who have sponsored me, I ran with you all in my thoughts and tried to not let anyone of you down.

I'd like to thank all the supporters on the route, you can not believe what it means to have literally thousands of people calling out your name as your run past.

I'd like to thank the Anthony Nolan trust for all their help in getting me to the start and the finish.

and I'd like to thank my wife, she has been my coach, my inspiration and the person who has calmed me down when nothing else would, and who has picked me up the many times I doubted myself.

It hasn't quite sunk in yet, I got back and had a few beers (what else) but I do feel I have achieved something, I am no Kenyan, and I am no Paula, and congratulations to them all, but I did something for my mate, I did something I always wanted to do, but never ever ever thought I could and I burst into tears at the end (you were right Karen).

So, the soles of my feet hurt, my ankles hurt, my shins hurt, my calves hurt, my knees hurt, my thighs hurt, no I would not do it again, but boy am I pleased I did it once.

There were 2 posters on route, both inspirational for different reasons, the first was "Pain is temporary, pride lasts for ever", which was good, but my favourite was the one that I could hear Mickey shouting after I saw it, "Not finishing is not a f**king option".

To Mickey.

Wednesday 31 October 2007

We can't I meet fat unfit people?

Ok, this is starting to grate on me a little bit, I've mentioned my marathon escapade to a few people, and on a number of occassions it has been met with suprise, shock, disbelief and on the odd occasion, "really, so am I".

However, the "so am I's" all seem to be fit, healthy looking people who weigh about the same as my running top when wet, and none of them seem to be like me.  In fact, at a meeting this morning it went a little further, when one of the people I was meeting with suggested a beer this evening, to which I gracefully declined due to my marathon preparations, then all of a sudden the slip of a lad that was also in attendance perks up and mentiones that he is also running it, when questioned about the sort of time he was aiming for I physically felt the blood draining from my head as he discussed his hope of qualifying for the Boston Marathon, which means he needs to post a time less than 3 hours and 10 minutes. Oh deep joy.

However, my personal trainer (wife) lifted my spirits and told me "some people don't even train for it, mind you, they're the ones who nearly die!"

Monday 29 October 2007

Less than 1 week to go!

Would you believe it, this time next week I will (hopefully) be recovering from a very large hangover!

Yes, in less than 1 week, in fact, in almost exactly 6 days time, I should be finishing the New York Marathon, woo hoo.  The end of 4 months of training, hours of endless running and no more talking to myself.

For the rest of the week the training runs are really gentle, and even the 10k I had to do yesterday was "easy pace", and supposedly in "race" gear, firstly there is the use of that word again, "race", any one who has seen me run will know that I am not racing anyone next week.  But the question of "race" gear did get me thinking.  The weather forecast for New York has changed quite a bit in the last few days, firstly the temprature was in the mid 70's last week, which would not be fun, but is expected to be around the 15c mark next week, which will be nice. However, it might rain, now I don't mind running in the rain, it can be quite refreshing, but I've not run for 4-5 hours in the rain, actually I've yet to run for 4-5 hours at all, but any way I'm not sure what to wear if it is going to poor down for the whole thing, perhaps that divers suit would have been a good idea after all!!

Any way, for those interested, yes I am really nervous now, it has come round so quickly, and all the people who have asked me "so when is this run thing then, 3-4 weeks away?" haven't helped at all this weekend.  No it isn't 3-4 weeks away, and part of me wishes it was, but the other part is like, no come on, lets get it over with now, you can do it, and at the worst it is just going to be the worst 5 hours or so of your life, but it is only 5 hours, and then I can sit down and enjoy a beer or 3, how fantastic is that hangover going to feel.

Thursday 25 October 2007

To Mickey

Today is a big day for reminding me why I'm doing this.

Today is the anniversary of the day my friend Mickey died. 

Today my thoughts are with Glenda.

Today 26.2 miles is nothing.

Wednesday 24 October 2007

Last Long One

Ok, so this weekend is the start of Tapering, and for those that don't know, this is when you start to ease off the running to let your body prepare for the actual marathon.  

The idea is that you have done all the training you need to do by now, and the next 2 weeks the body can replenish some of the carbs ready for the run and rest the muscles in preparation.  However, at various points during the day I have a deep desire to go and do a long run, these times normally coincide with me thinking about how ill-prepared I am for the marathon, or when someone asks how the training is going.  But I've been told that I should taper, and that going and running 18-20 miles now will not help.  I really do wish that I'd done that long run.

Still, at the weekend I met my schedule halfway and rather than (as I wanted to) push myself onto my longest run yet, I did 14 miles, which was a bit more than the schedule said to do, but less than I wanted to, and I did it and felt pretty comfortable.  In fact (and I may regret this) I actually felt like I could run a marathon.

My route was different too, and I think this might have helped a lot.  We were staying in Poole, for the Mother-in-laws birthday (don't worry mum I won't mention your age here), and as the party didn't start until 2:30, I took myself off in the morning for a very gentle (as the schedule said) run down to Poole Quay, and along the coast.

This proved to be a very nice route (with the exception of low tide and a smell that nearly had my toast reappearing) along the quay, through Poole Park, and up Evening Hill with it's lovely views of Brownsea Island and the beach.  The I turned round and ran back home.

The run back was less fun, 1) because I'd seen it all on the way out, 2) because the streets were busier, and my invisibility cloak seems to work in Poole as well, as no one could see me, and 3) because the last 3 miles were up hill.  

The good news:  no chafing of the thighs (thanks to all at bodyglide for there tireless research), no bleeding nipples (thanks to all at elastoplast for their tireless research), but stupid here forgot his socks, so whilst breaking in new running shoes for the marathon, I sustained a blister to the end of my big toe and took the skin off the back of my heal just around the top of my trainer, luckily though I didn't notice either until I got home, and I guess that should be them broken in.

I wasn't fast, but I did it, in about 2:30, which still has me on target for a 5 hour marathon, but I have decided that I am really going to be looking for inspiration from the crowd to lift me on to the finish, probably from about mile 2!


Tuesday 9 October 2007

Words of encouragement

All, you may know that I have been training with my ipod, and intend to run with it in the marathon. Everyone says that the atmos is great and that you don't need it, but it has become a bit of a crutch to me, and the tracks that I have on there really seem to make a difference to how fast and far I can run.  Saying that, I did have a thought today, and I'm now calling on all my supporters (yes both of you), to see if you can record some words of encouragment, you know the sort of stuff I mean, thatI can then put on my ipod to help me through the hours.  If you can record it as an mp3 on your computer and then email me, I will stick it on my ipod and listen to you shouting obscenities at me at random intervals around the streets of NY.

Personal Trainer

It has also come to my attention that the "friend" that talked my into running this silly marathon has secured the services of a "personal trainer" of late, this I believe is the same "personal trainer" that his brother (another marathon runner who is doing Dublin the week before we run New York) uses.  Not wanting to be out done, I now have my own "personal trainer" who is constantly making sure that I get up and get out and do my runs, pushing me to run further, faster, and not to miss a training run.  I have to say, that my dear wife Amy has stopped short of biking alongside me with a megaphone shouting abuse at me, but there is still time.

Glorious victories and a dodgy 14 miler

So what a weekend, England stun the world with a fantastic display of some of the forgotten art within the wonderful game we call rugby, and I do another 14 miles stomping around the streets of North London.

Yes, I know I said I was going to try and stop going off topic, but come on, wasn't that truely fantastic? I always said that if the pack could turn up and they had a flyhalf they had a chance, and on Saturday both happened.  The pack (led be Sherri) gave an amazing performance, the Aussie back row has been legendary on the run up to this tournament (something akin to the England back row last time round) yet they were taken apart at the breakdown by the likes of Moody, Corry, Easter and Shaw, the ball carrying from the forwards was relentless and the support at the breakdown was staggering in comparrision to previous games, let alone what the front row and tight 5 did to the scrums.  The backs were also very close to being able to show what they can do with quality ball in hand.

Anyway, bring on Le Blues.

So back to the running, I had quite a good week last week following my 16 miler, and picked up early in the week with some good quicker short runs, and also I didn't need 4 days before I was able to walk again, which was a huge relief.  But this weekend was always going to be difficult, I had intended to run 18miles but having my daughter and England playing the Aussies was going to mean it was difficult to fit the time in (and now it is a long time).  Saturday came and went and I was left having to do the long run on Sunday (before the 3rd quater final).

I set off from Winchmore Hill this time, and ran up to Southgate, and up past the home of Southgate RFC and on to Cockfosters and trent park.  This was all really straight forward and my times were wonderfully consistant.  I refulled at the shop, and headed back down Southgate and past the Fishmongers Arms (the other home of Southgate RFC) and down to Grange Park.  I didn't have any real idea of route in mind, but I've done so many miles round the area now that I know I could link particular runs I'd done together to form a long run over familiar terrain.  From Grange Park it was up and over the hill on Old Park Ridings (which I still think is quite a steep climb) and down through the park, this was around the 7-8 mile mark and I'll be dammed if I didn't feel really good, so good in fact that I desided to put Windmill Hill into my route and started to do the 2nd climb in 2 miles, with the benefit of hindsight I think that might have been a mistake, I laboured my way up the hill which was really disapointing as I'd sailed up the fist climb, and then as I reached the top this little slip of a lass came bouncing past me, and I mean bouncing, I swear she used more energy bouncing upwards than I could muster to propel myself forward, still better than  being overtaken by the suit running for his bus last week.

As I headed back down into Enfield around the 10 mile mark me legs were really starting to feel it and I began to get quite down about how little time I had left to build the strength up in my legs before the marathon itself, I had stopped to get another bottle of water and think that in doing this it might not have helped, but I pushed on and after a few miles the pain subsided from my calves and then moved up my legs into my thighs, then groin and then the lower stomach. 

The per mile pace of the last few miles of my run resembles the Alps, with everything from a really poor 12 minutes to a 9:50 as I started to get angry with myself.  At this stage I'd also like to apologies to the lady with the small child who probably didn't need to overhear those sort of words at such a tender age, and also if anyone out there knows if you can get running insurance, you know, hyperthetically for someone who perhaps whilst running collides with a child in the street and flatterns them?  

In the end I pushed myself onto 14 miles, and then took myself home to watch the rugby and spend some time with my family.  It wasn't quite the success I'd wanted, but on the positive side I did another run over half way.

Less than a month to go

Ok, it is really starting to get very real now, and it is coming round very quickly.

Before too long my training is supposed to start tapering, can you believe that, the last 2 weeks before the run and I'm supposed to taper my training, there are those out there who think I started my tapering around about 12 weeks ago, but I can assure you I have now logged over 250 training miles (unfortunately an ipod malfunction appears to have lost some of my runs including my 16 miler last weekend).

I have also had some criticism from some regarding the content of my blog, and that it had originally started out to be a window onto the sole of a man undertaking the hardest phyiscal and mental challenge of his life, and instead (although very interesting) has become a window onto one mans view of the England Rugby Team - GO ON ENGLAND.  But I feel I can draw a number of similarities from my running and the England team, no one thought they could get this far and it is sheer determination rather than form and prearation that is keeping them going.

So apologies, but I will try and get the blog back on topic for those that prefer to read about my physical and mental anguish and pain.

Tuesday 2 October 2007

Back to running

Ok, after the fun of watching England win I had to run again.

So Sunday came round really quickly, and the fun I'd had in Paris seemed like a mistake.  But I had to do my long run and as I'd put in a poor performance in New York I was desperate to make up for it.

I was aiming for 16 miles, and I had a good idea of a route that would deliver that, but I also wanted to push myself further so set off with 4 out of the first 5 miles being up hill, as I climed up towards the M25.  No it isn't K2, but boy did I notice the difference that a constant (if shallow) climb makes, and it took my 1 hour 40 minutes to do the first 8 miles.  I also had to stop for a wee, and also to buy some more water, but that's not included in the running time!

I did the next 8 miles in 1 hour 20 minutes, but this was anything but even paced.  Miles 8-12 felt really good, and I covered them in a really good time, but the last 4 were a struggle, to the point that I actually think walking might have been quicker at times, but I pushed on and finished.

I won't say I felt confident afterwards, I'd spent the best part of Sunday afternoon out running, I was fed up with listening to myslef, and I couldn't see where I could get another 10 miles from, and I really felt that it was likely to take me about 6 hours, I could walk it in 8!

But, my wife cheered me up, and I had a good run yesterday a quick run just short of 4 miles, the day after the long run and the legs felt good, not like the other week when I couldn't walk for 3 days after running 12 miles.  Perhaps, just perhaps, I can do this.

England 36 - Tonga 20

Back from New York for 1 night, and then off to Paris for the crunch game between England and Tonga and the possibility of a quater final place.

Having sat in the Stade de France and watched England getting hammered by the boks, and then the composure that they showed against a well up for it Samoa, it was with renewed confidence that I took my seat in the Parc de Princes for the do or die game.  With the fixture list for the weekend showing that every group had a game to decide who went through I felt that those who stated that the world cup was only between 4 teams might be eating their words now.  And certainly the England supporters did not want their side going home early.

Some might say that it was rude, disrespectful or discouteous, but when the Tongan's started their haka and the England Team lined up to face them, I for one was very proud of the rousing chorus of Swing Low that echoed round the stadium and made sure that our boys knew that we were firmly behind them.

A very good game then ensued, Tonga showed why they were challenging for a quarter final and the strength of their tackling, direct running and clearing out a the ruck was testament to a side that was 100% committed to winning this game.  England on the other hand had Lewis Moody who more than ever showed the side and country what it was to be on the "front foot", if only he might choose to use other parts of his body rather than just his face next time, his opposite number really should have left the field after the tackle that broke Moddy's nose.

After a little scare England certainly seemed to find their feet and the forwards started to show the sort of form that we as supporters are seeking, someone of the handling was great including a whole 30 seconds (yes 30 seconds) that was as good as anything we've seen this world cup from any other nation, no matter which hemisphere you are watching.

Jonny was fantastic not just his vision and execution of the cross field kick instead of the penalty and the wonderful finish by Sackey, but his distribution and all-round running of the game was exactly what England need.  He made the rest of the backs sparkle (with the possible exception of Ollie who didn't have his best game), but Tait looked sharp and for the first real time in an England shirt showed what he can do, the same could also be said for Farrell, who scored his first after Jonny put the 4 Tongan deffenders on the wrong foot.

It isn't about one player making the difference, but since Jonny's return the others around him play with more confidence, and the really positive thing, although he keeps kicking the points, he has put Sackey in for 3, Tait in for 1, Farrell in for 1, Corry in.  He is playing like a more complete flyhalf, and with him, and the team playing confidently around him, I reckon we could take the Aussies again.


Monday 1 October 2007

Back to NY

So, last week I went to New York for a few days, the last time I will be there before the big day itself (which is far too close now), and so I decided that I'd familiarise myself with a little bit of the route. As I was staying near Central Park I thought an early morning run round the great park itself would be a great idea, so I planned to start at Columbus Circle, run up the left side, across the top, down the right side, and along the bottom, as I will do on November the 4th, finishing back at Columbus, rather than in the park.  However, whether it was the flight the day before, the not so great nights sleep or what I don't know, but my legs felt twice as heavy as usual, and that is pretty heavy anyway, given that each of them is about 40% of my overal body weight (all muscle - honest).

So I trudged and struggled up the street, it was a glorious morning, the sun was out, the air was good, there were lots of other people looking very fit running towards me and overtaking me, and I really couldn't get into it.

As I reached the top of the park, I figured it was going to take everything I had just to go back the way I came, so I did, and a very dejected runner ended up in the queue at JambaJuice waiting for a "Power Orange-a-peel" with added energy shot.  

Friday 21 September 2007

Laps and hills

Well, as I couldn't bring myself to run around the streets of gay Paris last weekend (two notably large nights out put pay to that), I had to squeeze my long run in at the begining of this week, and decided to get it out of the way on Monday night.

In trying to pick my route for this 12 mile run, I decided to stick two together, and did my normal short run home from Palmers Green, followed by 2 laps of Enfield.  The first 4 miles was good I was feeling really positive and didn't even get annoyed at the "stupid" people walking along the path (for a change), then the 2nd 4 miles started with a hill (Windmill Hill for those that know Enfield), then the Ridgeway, Lavender Hill (down), Lancaster Road, Baker Street, High Street and back to the bottom of the hill), finishing lap 1 and mile 8 it was going really well. There is something about running round somewhere more than once (as I keep learning about running and how to trick myself into being able to do it), but the simple fact that the next 4 miles where the same as the 4 miles I'd just done, made it feel easier, you know, that sort of talking to yourself saying, "come on, it's just once more round and you've already done it once you wuss!", so I did.  

However, I think I've got to start tricking myself into thinking that I'm doing longer runs, because it seems the last 1 mile of what ever long run I do, is getting hard, and the legs are really feeling it towards the end, I am sure I look like I'm trying to dance like someones Dad at a wedding rather than run.

Oh, and that reminds me, twice now when I'm stretching at the end of my run, a caring passer-by has asked me if I'm alright?, does my bright red face covered in sweat really look that bad that complete strangers feel the need to offer me help? 

Anyway, long run done for the week and I did it in 2:09 so not to bad for me.  Only problem, for some reason and I don't know if it was the cold, the rain, the hill or the tight shorts but I could hardly walk until Thursday, my legs were like lead. 

Tuesday 18 September 2007

South Africa 36 - England 0

I couldn't believe it, I know we haven't been good lately, and I know that we were without some key players, namely 1 in Wilko, but seriously, we were really bad.  I honestly thought that we might have a chance, and as I took my seat in the fantastic Stade de France, amidst 000's of England shirts and plenty of Green (including the 3 blokes directly in front of us with painted green heads). I felt proud.  

As we stood to sing the National Anthem (my first on foreign soil) the England faithful belted out God Save the Queen with great gusto (compared to the SA boys who had the words written on a little piece of paper), I even started to believe that we were going to do it.  The underdogs come good, I mean, this certainly seems to be the world cup for it, what with the Argies beating France, Ireland almost losing to Georgia, Tonga beating Samoa, the stage was set, the atmos electric, and the crowd fuelled on non-alcoholic beer (only in France).

The game started and for the first 3-4 minutes I felt that the £10 bet I had was safe, oh how naive! 

I know we didn't have a flyhalf (and a special thank you to the South Africans in front of me for reminding me of that at every opportunity), but for me the problem was not that Mike Catt was playing out of position, or his age, but mainly the fact that the players who should be stepping up aren't.  I would like to take this opportunity to remind the forwards that they are wearing an England shirt and playing for our country, this should be done with pride, passion and desire, and I would suggest that all our forwards watch and rewatch the France v Nambia game from Sunday night to see what they should do when they get given the ball and space.  Chabal, took the ball in his own half, and had only one thought on his mind, get to the try line, and over 50 yards later, he did, he didn't look around in a panic for a back to pass it to, he didn't try a ridiculus chip kick 5 yards from the line with only 2 men to beat and a winger on his outside, he just ran, hard and fast, and direct, full of determination, and he scored.

The backs hardly ever got the ball on Friday, and Jason Robinson was the only sharp looking back (mainly because he got the ball as the Boks continued to pepper him with the high ball), and then Matthew Tait looked sharp when he came on, but everytime he took a good line off the ball carrier, the carrier took the contact and Tait was left as the first man at the ruck trying to win the ball back.

Any way, rant over, it was a fantastic night, an embarrasment of a game, but a few beers later it was becoming a memory and as the night drew on, the singing started and at 5am as I wound my way through the streets of Paris to my hotel, singing "I know a bear that you don't know" to myself, a sudden thought hit me, bollocks, I'm supposed to do my long run this morning....

.....I didn't!

Wednesday 12 September 2007

A Really Good Week

Yes, believe it or not last week was good, I did 2 quick 4 milers, both in under 40 minutes, yes, I hear your gasps, I am getting quicker!  I also did a good 6 miles in 60 minutes in the heat of the day on the river bank on Thursday, this I found to be a number of things, firstly, flat, and secondly enjoyable (and not many of my runs have been that), but running up the south bank was really interesting as there was loads going on and lots to see.  Running back down the other side was not so good, as I appeared to be running into a head wind that was most certainly not helping me on the other side!  and I also couldn't catch this old guy who was infront of me when I came off the bridge.

When it came to the weekend, I'd ended up having a few more than expected at a wedding party on the Friday night (congratulations to both the Argies and the Biscoe's) so I put off the long run until Sunday.

As Sunday morning came round I felt really well prepared (a new feeling) and confident (for a change), 12 miles later and 2 hours and 10 minutes, I felt a lot less confident and a lot less well prepared, but I was still positive about the distance covered and the fact that although my legs felt that they couldn't carry me any further, they have felt like that at the end of each long run, and the next one is always further.

Monday 3 September 2007

8 Weeks and 6 days

Right, it is all starting to feel very real, and not very far away now.  

This weekend I ran for 2:30 hours on Saturday and was not best prepared for it either as I'd had one or two ciders the night before, also (to my terror) I learned that cider isn't just fizzy apple juice and doesn't count towards your 5-a-day, bugger.  I also learned (the hard way) that curry isn't the ideal carbo-loading night before a long run meal, as I had to break my run and nip into Sainsbury's, enough said!

Any way, I covered 10 miles and also experimented with my ipod by listening to an audio book, this had been suggested by a friend as a way to relieve the boredom of long runs. And listening to Chris Ryan's story of crack SAS hard man storming Iraq certainly kept my attention, but it did nothing for my pace, and I felt that although I ran for a long time, I wasn't close to the distance I would have covered with my up-beat, high energy, euphoria inducing music, so back to that this week.

As an aside, I have also add to my blog the ability for you to chat with me, if I'm on-line, you can use the Instant Messenger box on the right to give me words of encouragement!!

And finally, I'd like to congratulate Rob and Dick for an excellent performance in the Triathlon last week, apparently Rob just sneaked the win from under Dick's nose, but well done both.

Tuesday 28 August 2007

Making up for it

After the events of my run on Saturday, I awoke on Sunday with a renewed desire.  I had been in no state to attempt that run.  I had tried my longest run with about as much preparation as a man who might try and walk from Newcastle to London without a map, and who would be so stupid as to do that? 

So on Sunday I took myself out again and tricked myself.  I had no route or time in mind, I was just going to go for a run, and with an evil little glint in my eye, off I went.  90 minutes later I returned home having completed just over 8 miles and I felt really good.  At many points I'd told myself, "let's  just run to that corner", or "keep going until this track has finished then turn around" and then I'd tell myself how easy it had been, how close to home I was, and why don't we carry on to the next corner or for the next track.  Funny how easy it is to fool yourself, although some of you might be thinking that you already knew how easy it was to pull the wool over my eyes!

So I ended up feeling a lot more positive about things.  This week is an "easy" week as far as the distance is concerned, so I'm going to use it to work on my speed (or lack of it).

Double Figures

So this weekend I had to get into double figures with my long run, and make 10 miles. I figured the best way to do this would be the run "from somewhere to somewhere" technique, where I get booted out of a moving car 10 miles away and have to run home, this way, I am always getting closer to where I want to be rather than the "running a loop" where I would spend the first 5 miles running away from where I want to get to.

I had also decided that with this being a holiday weekend, I'd like to get it out of the way on Saturday leaving me the rest of the weekend for recovery and golf. With that in mind, I got dropped off at Old Street and began to run.

Mile 0-1: Started ok, but then got a feeling of tightness in my left calf, it's ok I tell myself, a little stretch will sort it.

Mile 1-2: I had drunk half a bottle of water before starting, and I have half left for the next 9 miles, that will be fine. I start considering how far I have to run! Bugger!

Mile 2-3: Arsenal at home, tens of thousands of fans "walking" down to the ground, and no chance of running at all, not good for the rhythm, oh, and my calf still hurts.

Mile 3-4: Hottest part of the day, I've finished my water, I don't have any money on me, no phone, and no rail pass, and I'm really thinking that the smart move would have been to do this tomorrow.

Mile 4-5: Lovely little run through Finsbury Park, the sun is out and so are lots of sunbathers.  I find that for the most part I have subconciously tensed my stomach muscles!

Mile 5-6: What is wrong with poeple? I'm 6' 5", although losing weight I am still a formidable size, I am wearing a bright blue t-shirt, my face is bright red, I am panting and wheezing, and yet still these idiots will step in front of me as I run through Wood Green. Next time I'm not stopping!!

Mile 6-7: The last hill and I'm into Palmers Green and onto my normal run home.  But things aren't good, I feel so tired, my legs feel like they have small children clinging to them, and I am now very aware that the Southgate RFC pub crawl should be hitting my route any time soon, there might be a chance of a pint of water!

Mile 7-8: Ok, so I've run past each of the pubs in Palmers Green and no sight of the boys.  I might have to make it home by myself yet.

Mile 8-9: Still hoping to  meet up with SRFC, I've added a loop to my run which takes me past the pubs of Winchmore Hill, so I run on. I'm slow, I have to stop and walk a bit, and I am acutely aware that I am really really annoyed with myself.  What's more, I can't find the pub crawl.

Mile 9-10: I've passed people I know in the street and hardly noticed them, it is still really hot, and I can't find the boys in any of the pubs, luckily, just as I hit the 10 mile mark, my wife appears, having been more than a little worried about me in the heat.  I collapse into the car bitterly disappointed.

Thursday 23 August 2007


I've discovered that running for this long takes me through quite a journey, I start feeling confident and thinking to myself that it's only a few miles more than I ran before, I listen to some upbeat tracks on my ipod that get me settled into my stride, and as I'm running I let my mind wander and contemplate many thoughts. Things are good. Then I start to get bored of basically talking to myself (I now understand what you have all had to put up with), and I start to think about how far I've gone, how far I've got to go, working out what it is in miles, k, feet and inches, minutes (hours), what percentage of a marathon that will be, what sort of time will I do, how many steps am I taking, all that sort of thing. And the miles pass by, but then I haven't got anything left to work out, I am no longer talking to myself and I've resorted to counting just to give me something to do. This normally takes me about 3/4 of the way home, and I then it's to my "power" tracks back on my ipod and a lot of telling myself that I can do this. Then it gets weird, I start singing, or more accurately, shouting along to the music. I have about 4 tracks that are really uplifting, and 2 in particular (Mr Brightside by the Killers and Dakota by the Stereo's) that I use and I really get into it, I run hard, I shout to the music, and I get quite euphoric, really quite euphoric, the sort of euphoric that I imagine is what they call the "runners high" and then I finish.

Anyway, my mid-week run is now about 6.5 miles, with my first double figure run this weekend. More euphoria to come!

Getting Longer!

So, having got back into regular training after the excess of my holiday and the high jinx of my birth(weekend), I now had to get back on track with my long runs. I seemed to slip back into the running during the week quite well and was pleased with the relative "ease" in which I got back to the 4 mile runs. But I am now at the point where every long weekend run I do is going to be further than I have ever run before (and before anyone elses says it, yes that has pretty much been the case since I started with the little 2 milers!).

So with a 100 minute run on the cards for the weekend, the sudden realisation that I was going to my parents (and a wedding) hit me. For those that don't know, my parents still live in the village I was brought up in, Rothbury, which is in a valley, in the middle of Northumberland and it is not well known for being flat!

In fact, there was no route that I could take that wouldn't involve hills, and some quite big hills, in fact, some very big hills, you know, the sort of hills that have names! But I managed to put in a 95 minute run, complete with some hills and covered 8.5 miles, which I was pretty pleased about, as I think half of the route was on an incline!

Thursday 16 August 2007

Right, time to start collecting some money

Ok,  so I am 9 weeks into training, I have just over 11 weeks left, and I've run over 100 miles so far, and it's starting to get serious (oh bugger).  With that in mind, I felt it is also time to start collecting. So you can sponsor me on my JustGiving site by clicking HERE 

As mentioned I'm doing this for the Anthony Nolan Trust and the sponsorship raised goes to them, I have a target of £1500 to raise, and I know a lot of you have already dug deep for Sam Hart (btw, if you haven't given him the money you owe, do it, now!), but that should have cleared your accounts by now!!

Please note: none of the sponsorship is in anyway supporting my running of the marathon, it all goes to the charity, not on flights, hotels, fancy new running shoes, etc.  Oh, and no jokes about the size of my Carbon Footprint  ;o)

Running Speed

So, into week 5 of my "how to run a marathon for stupid people who aren't fit enough to run a marathon" training programme and I'm confused, yes, very little baffles the sharp mind of Mr. Scott, but this has.  You see, the training programme is now talking in terms like, jog, steady, easy, brisk, fast, slow, comfortable and hard, like - 75 minutes steady or 40 minutes brisk etc.

Now for those that know me, you might now understand my confusion, you see, I have 2 speeds of running, one is the pace I class as "running" and the other is "walking", there is nothing faster than running and nothing in between, if I really wanted to I could add "standing still" as a 3rd and possibly "lying down" or "walking backwards", but I'm not really sure that is in the spirit of what I'm trying to achieve.  So my quandary is, what pace is my "running" pace, am I jogging, taking it easy, steady or briskly?


Yesterday a reached  100 TRAINING MILES, I am very pleased, behind schedule, but very pleased, still not looking forward to my 10 mile run this weekend, but I feel more confident about making it now.

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Oh The Pain!

So as per usual the body is strong (stop laughing) and the mind is week!

Last week was full of good intentions, I was going to get seriously back into my training schedule following our holiday and rack up the 100 training miles etc. etc. however, with the multiple events that included my wedding anniversary (lovely night out and fantastic dinner with plenty of champers, wine, great steak and creme brulee - not the greatest of training diets) and me turning the ripe old age of 35 (I know, you're all thinking that he doesn't look that old) , which involved a complete day out with Southgate RFC watching the rugby on Saturday, followed by Sunday which hinged on the toss of a coin, the coin won, and we ended up sitting in a beer garden downing shots and playing silly drinking games until I had to be taken home (at least an early night followed).

So, as is becoming a bit of a theme on this blog, this week I mean it, this week I get back into the programme.

I reckon I'm 2 long runs behind on my target which means that the 110 minutes run this weekend is going to be hard, but I'm confident that I'll get back on track, I have to if I am to stand any chacne of finishing on November the 4th (which I have just worked out is 11 weeks from Sunday - bugger).

Oh and it's raining again, great.

Tuesday 7 August 2007

Holiday is long gone

Ok, just over 4 miles last night (and as it was MB's brithday I had 2 pints and a curry at lunch time, then forgot to eat banana on the train) and just short of 2 miles this morning on my quick run into the office (fastest time yet), both runs where under the 10 mintues 30 seconds per mile mark (I know it's slow compared to all your flighty things, but remember I'm the size of 1.5 normal runners!).

Any way, I'm feeling quite pleased that my holiday doesn't seem to have damaged me too much, but I still have my long run this weekend and I may have to plan a flat route for it, however, It will be off the back of me bringing up my 100th training mile.

Monday 6 August 2007

Tuscan Training

So, I've just arrived back from our holiday in Tuscany. The Scott's Summer Holiday was fantastic with a couple of days in Rome where we took Alice to the Colesium (she loved it), and the week in a beautiful house the Tuscan region of Italy (which had no mobile phone signal or internet connectivity, it was brilliant, so sorry for the lack of updates!).

As for the training, I did eat a lot of pasta, however this was washed down with a lot of Nastro, and Chianti, and I'm also very glad that the marathon is taking place in the cool of November. I managed to get some runs in, and as our house was at the end of a half mile forest road (up hill) and most of the runs took place with tempratures in the high 30's, I felt I did alright, I reckon the heat and the hills added a mile or two to each run. I've also convinced myself that the endless days of splashing about in the pool pretending to be a shark for the kids, actualy counts as cross-training, someone please agree with me?

But I'm not kidding myself, I am behind on my schedule (something I share with Sam after his trip West), and I need to put some effort in this week (which is going to be hard, considering the week contains my wedding anniversary and my birthday!!).

However, needs must, and I am again spurred on by the performance of my friends, as Rob completed the London Triathlon yesterday in a time of 2 hours and 40 minutes, which is brilliant, so well done Rob, Ollie on the other hand managed 6 hours of drinking in celebration, which for him is an excellent effort.

Thursday 26 July 2007

The old fella still has it

So, my schedule had me down for my 3x8 minutes hard with breaks, and well, I didn't do it. I know what you will be saying, "that boy can't stick to anything", but before you cast me aside, hear me out, as instead I went rugby training with Southgate RFC, and worked really hard.

At the moment the training is a mix of fitness, skills and fun, with some core strength work at the end, so trust me it got me out running around and out of breath. I also felt that as the schedule had me down for shorter harder bursts of running, that the training would fit well and it did.
It also finished up with the customary game of touch-rugby, again lots of explosive sprinting (not a term often used in the same sentence as me), and well, what can I say, there are a couple of the Southgate backs that are looking a little shame faced this morning, having been sold dummies and stripped for pace by the big fella.
Roll on vets rugby.....
Back to schedule today.

Tuesday 24 July 2007

Wet Wet Wet

Plenty of poeple have told me about how much they prefer running in the rain, I don't.

Yes I know it is refreshing, and yes I know that it helps to keep you cool, but there is just something about starting your run dripping wet and getting sore nipples. Granted this happens anyway, normally by about the end of mile 1 when the sweat is pouring off my head and my fancy running top is "wicking" the sweat away from my back (I hope none of you are reading this over breakfast or lunch, if you are, oops, sorry), but at least I've had a mile when I didn't feel bedraggled.

Last night I had my 45 minute run to do, and it started and finished in the rain. However, it was just rain and not the hail that I had the week before last, which is worse and actually hurt. As for the run, I was really pleased (if I say so myself, and frankly I have too as no one else is going to say it). My route was from Palmers Green Station to home along Green Lanes, just shy of 4 miles, and I had what was probably my most consistent run to date. I'm still not fast (I won't be challenging the elite runners that's for sure, in fact I'm quite positive a number of the fancy dress runners will beat me) but I am getting better.

Still rest day today, so hopefully off to the gym for some work on the bike!

Monday 23 July 2007

Making up for last week

So, last week was week 1 of the main 16 week training programme and I was terrible.

For the past 5 weeks I have been following a "Pre marathon warm up for fools", and was doing quite well (I thought any way). This programme took me from walk for 15 minutes, up to a full 10k run, which was equal to furthest I have ever run before, and certainly the furthest in one go!!

But after finishing the pre-programme on a high I spent last week in New York. I meant well, I took my running gear with me and was all set to do some miles round Manhattan, running through Central Park, up and down the river side, visualising November and the marathon itself with me pounding through the Manhattan streets with the crowd screaming and shouting encouragement, however, it was not to be, and the temptation to spend each night eating and drinking and generally enjoying myself was too great (for those who know me well, you will understand that this is quite out of character, as it normally takes a lot to get me into a pub). I am ashamed of my poor performance even more so as the eating and drinking I did was with my friend Sam Johnson who is also running the New York Marathon and who is also partly to blame for convincing me to do such a silly thing (he did that over beers as well), but he was strong enough to brave the rain and continue his training while I worked on my excuses!!

So, with a poor week behind me and plenty of sarcastic comments regarding the "lack of progress" on my blog, I tried to make up for it this weekend and ran on both Saturday and Sunday, covering just over 3.5 miles on Saturday and 7.25 on Sunday. Sunday's was very pleasing as I was quicker over 10k than I had been the week before, and also my route took me off road and through Whitewebbs which was very damp under foot. Obviously keen to keep my pristine new trainers clean, I needed to navigate round the large muddy puddles, which slowed me down, but I was able to pick the pace up again once I got back to the road.

So, I'm back on track. The schedule for this week is:
  • Monday: 45 minutes
  • Tuesday: rest
  • Wednesday: 3 x 10 minutes hard, 3 minutes recovery
  • Thursday: Easy 25 minute jog
  • Friday: 50 minutes steady
  • Saturday: rest
  • Sunday 90 minutes

Friday 20 July 2007

Rest Day.  Shouldn't be, but it is!  

Having just got back from New York this morning (late) due to adverse weather conditions last night, I've just not had the time, still, the programme clearly states "don't be a slave to the programme", so I'm not.

80 minutes tomorrow, and I'm hoping to run it not swim!

Thursday 19 July 2007

So it is 16 weeks until the marathon, and my training has started in earnest. That said, so far I've been able to use my "it's raining really hard", "I don't want wet running gear rotting in my bag" and "the dog just ate my trainers" excuses.

However, I did drag myself out yesterday in the hot and humid conditions for a 3 mile run round the streets of Manhatten, and ended up as wet as I would have been in the rain. Oh joy

Wednesday 11 July 2007

Blog Launched

So today I have launched my blog in an attempt to make sure I do it, and to make sure I keep training (because I'm really going to need to). On my blog over the coming months you will be able to follow my training progress, tell me how stupid you think I am or send me words of encouragment!

On here you can see when I run, how far I run and how fast I'm running, as well as the goals that I'm setting for myself as part of my training, so I really need to keep it up.

I look forward to getting ALL your comments.